While it would be wonderful to have everyone here the entire day (like people stay for established weekend shows/cruises), this is not always possible. Thus, the gathering is "scheduled" so people can come and go.
As you plan for this gathering, if you wish to do the "Drive!", please arrive before 11a; we'll be back ~12:30p. If you arrive at Steak'n'Shake between 11a and 12:30p, please stay a while! The gathering starts at 10:30a ... and lasts until 9p or later, if people choose to stay and attend a local car cruise.
WHEN YOU ARRIVE, PLEASE SEE ME! I will give you Steak'n'Shake coupons and make sure I have you noted on the attendee list!
I created an "Event" for this on Facebook. If you are a Facebooker, check it out and join/attend.
The "Drive!" begins at 11a and lasts ~1.5 hours; the route is ~50 miles long.
From the Steak'n'Shake parking lot, turn RIGHT (south) onto RANDALL RD
Turn RIGHT (west) onto BOWES RD
Turn LEFT (south) onto CORRON RD
Turn RIGHT (west) onto SILVER GLEN RD
Turn RIGHT (northwest) onto BURLINGTON RD
[Cross IL ROUTE 47; continue on BURLINGTON RD]
Turn LEFT (west) onto PLANK RD
Turn RIGHT (north) onto MOOSE RANGE RD
Turn RIGHT (east) onto COUNTY LINE RD
Turn LEFT (north) onto WALKER RD
[Cross IL ROUTE 72; continue on WALKER RD]
Turn RIGHT (east) onto MELMS RD
Turn LEFT (north) onto HARMONY RD
Turn RIGHT (east) onto BIG TIMBER RD
Turn RIGHT (east) onto US ROUTE 20: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Route_20
Traveling east along US ROUTE 20 includes a BRIEF stretch of road (~ 0.5 mile) that combines 3 routes ... US RT 20 / IL RT 72 / IL RT 47 ... so be sure to follow the signs for US ROUTE 20 EAST
Exit RIGHT (south) onto RANDALL RD
Return to Steak'n'Shake
Cort | 36.m.IL | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker * NoreastrTrekRT=Aug2010 * MCs.Caprice | models.HO.legos.CHD.RadioShows | RTs.us66 = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort "I think I've handled more than any man can take" ... Carlos Santana ... 'Why Don't You And I?'
Due to some newly-started road construction, the _DRIVE ROUTE_ may be altered. More details about this later....
Cort | 36.m.IL | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker * NoreastrTrekRT=Aug2010 * MCs.Caprice | models.HO.legos.CHD.RadioShows | RTs.us66 = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort "We all do the best we can" ... Blaine Larson ... 'How Do You Get That Lonely?'
I drove the "path" recently ... and, almost unbelievably, MORE road construction along the proposed way has started. So ... this might be dramatically changed/shortened (canceled?), depending on how long the road construction lasts. I hope to have more details in early July, but this part of the gathering might not be settled until the day of the event.
The first 2 years, I "kept track" of those planning to attend, which is why I've had a few inquiries about how many are expected this year. The answer is ... I don't know. It would be nice if the "third time is the charm" ... and we had more people than we did the first year (65), instead of having a turnout like last year (20). Guess we'll see.... If you are planning to attend, post a reply here ... and "talk it up" ... and tell others about it. Remember ... ALL ARE WELCOME!!!
Cort | 36.m.IL | 5 Monte Carlos.1 Caprice Classic | pig valve.pacemaker MCs.CC | models.HO.legos.CHD.RadioShows | RoadTrips.us66 = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort "What are we going to call it then?" ... Michael Martin Murphy ... 'Will It Be Love By Morning?'
Road construction along the path APPEARS to be mainly done, so this is a GO...!
If needed, we'll alter the route "as we drive"....
I've heard from several who will be there ... how about YOU?
I know life is busy running a million miles per hour [feels like summer is already half over!], but it is always good to see friends and meet new people...so please join us!
___2008 & 2009 PICTURES___
07/26/2008 ...MidSummer Chitown Gathering #1 ...~65 people
Cort | 36.m.IL | 5 Monte Carlos.1 Caprice Classic | pig valve.pacemaker * NoreastrTrekRT=Aug2010 * MCs.CC | models.HO.legos.CHD.RadioShows | RoadTrips.us66 = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort "The world rolls by a million miles away" ... James Taylor ... 'Our Town'
WHEN YOU ARRIVE, PLEASE SEE ME! I will give you Steak'n'Shake coupons and note you on the attendee list!
___WHAT & WHEN___
3rd Annual MidSummer Chitown Gathering
SATURDAY ... 07/24/2010
~10:30a - ~11a ...start
~11a to ~12:30p ...drive!
~12:30p to late night ...lunch ...meet'n'greet ...dinner ...cruise night
STEAK'n'SHAKE 290 S RANDALL RD ELGIN IL 60123 http://www.mapquest.com/maps/290+S+Randall+Rd+Elgin+IL+60123/
...just south of US ROUTE 20: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Route_20
___WHO & WHY___
Everyone ... because meeting'n'greeting is AWESOME! Life is busy [feels like summer is already more than half over!], but it is always good to see friends and meet new people...so please join us!
While it would be wonderful to have everyone here the entire day (like people stay for established weekend shows/cruises), this is not always possible. Thus, the gathering is "scheduled" so people can come and go.
If you wish to do the "Drive!", please arrive before 11a; we'll be back ~12:30p. If you arrive at Steak'n'Shake between 11a and 12:30p, please stay a while!
From Chitown Chevy, a member of MC-related boards: "It would take hell or high water for me to miss this. This is such a great event ... I highly suggest everyone try to make this even if it is for only a short time just to say hi. This is such a laid back friendly group of people."
I created a Facebook "Event" for this. Check it out and join/attend.
FOOD ... Steak'n'Shake will provide coupons.
LODGING (if needed)
COUNTRY INN & SUITES N of I-90 along Randall Rd: http://reservations.hotel-guides.us/hotel/10006044-11282403M.html
To Steak'n'Shake: South on Randall Rd Cross over IL RT 20 Turn right (west) into shopping center area where Steak'n'Shake is
SUPER 8 N of I-90, E side of IL RT 31: http://reservations.hotel-guides.us/hotel/10006044-10211930M.html (NOTE ... map is off, this hotel is visible from IL RT 31)
HAMPTON INN N of I-90, E side of IL RT 31: http://reservations.hotel-guides.us/hotel/10006044-10203685M.html
QUALITY INN N of I-90, W side of IL RT 31: http://reservations.hotel-guides.us/hotel/10006044-10230565M.html
To Steak'n'Shake, avoiding I-90 tolls: South on IL RT 31 Turn right (west) onto Big Timber Rd Turn left (south) onto Randall Rd Cross over IL RT 20 Turn right (west) into shopping center where Steak'n'Shake is
The "Drive!" begins at 11a and lasts ~1.5 hours; the route is ~50 miles long. It appears the road construction along this path is done, so this is a GO. We may, however, have to alter the route if more road construction starts between now and the day of the gathering.
From the Steak'n'Shake parking lot, turn RIGHT (south) onto RANDALL RD
Turn RIGHT (west) onto BOWES RD
Turn LEFT (south) onto CORRON RD
Turn RIGHT (west) onto SILVER GLEN RD
Turn RIGHT (northwest) onto BURLINGTON RD
[Cross IL ROUTE 47; continue on BURLINGTON RD]
Turn LEFT (west) onto PLANK RD
Turn RIGHT (north) onto MOOSE RANGE RD
Turn RIGHT (east) onto COUNTY LINE RD
Turn LEFT (north) onto WALKER RD
[Cross IL ROUTE 72; continue on WALKER RD]
Turn RIGHT (east) onto MELMS RD
Turn LEFT (north) onto HARMONY RD
Turn RIGHT (east) onto BIG TIMBER RD
Turn RIGHT (east) onto US ROUTE 20: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Route_20
Traveling east along US ROUTE 20 includes a BRIEF stretch of road (~ 0.5 mile) that combines 3 routes ... US RT 20 / IL RT 72 / IL RT 47 ... so be sure to follow the signs for US ROUTE 20 EAST
Exit RIGHT (south) onto RANDALL RD
Return to Steak'n'Shake
07/26/2008, MidSummer Chitown Gathering #1 = ~65 people
Cort | 36.m.IL | 5 Monte Carlos.1 Caprice Classic | pig valve.pacemaker * NoreastrTrekRT=Aug2010 * MCs.CC | models.HO.legos.CHD.RadioShows | RoadTrips.us66 = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort "The only thing changing is my way of thinking" ... Dottie West ... 'A Lesson in Leaving'
IL MC OWNERS GROUP...9 = Grant (Chicagoland) = Bill (Chicagoland) = Larry + Carol (Chicagoland) = Alex + 1 (central IL) = Derek A + Janie (central IL) = Jeff H (INDIANA)