I'll be "out" for my 4th Open Heart Surgery (OHS), Tuesday, 11/08/2011, at Chicago's Northwestern Memorial Hospital, performed by Dr. Russell. The catheterization is the day prior. Until I'm feeling up to being on the computer & online again, my sister will post UPDATES (which MAY be SHARED on the groups/boards) to my Facebook Wall:
My previous 3 OHSs (at Chicago's Children's Memorial Hospital) replaced the pulmonary valve that I was born without. The 1st, November 1977, was when the original pig valve was installed. The 2nd & 3rd OHSs (March 1987 & January 6, 2003, respectively) replaced the pig valve installed in the previous surgery.
This 4th OHS is to replace my aorta/aortic valve with a cow valve. My ascending aorta is "too large"; it is 5.6 at the middle, 5.3 at the root. Too bad my "big heart" has finally won me a date with a surgeon, instead of a cool female....
If all goes well, the "projected" return of my driving abilities is mid December & return to work is January 6, 2012 (the 9-year anniversary of my 3rd OHS).
I'm "ready" as I'll be. I'm not scared, just still dreading & "hating" the entire process, including the financial strain ... & still feeling a tad bit alone & out-of-place.
On a positive note, the PRE-SURGERY PARTY was great; many thanks to those that joined us that evening!!!
My MCs are ready for winter; just need to drive them one last time & snug them into the garage the weekend before surgery. I never did get them, or my Caprice Classic, cleaned; maybe while I'm recovering or next spring...!
Speaking of recovery, my "projects" (other than the obvious) for the next 2 months or so, include...
...write more of my ROUTE 66 STORY:
...plan my 2012 ROAD TRIP (return to Georgia/Florida, along the east coast & into northern Michigan) & perhaps a short trip to St Louis along parts of Route 66.... Previous road trips (& other) pictures:
...consider WRMN's request to host part of their CHRISTMAS EVE RADIO BROADCAST. My contact there called me a couple weeks ago to find out if I would.... Previous radio show playlists:
...finish putting my room back together (after new carpeting & major re-arranging)
...read some new books
...Nephew Time
...misc stuff
...AND return to the groups/boards....
I appreciate all of the well wishes, thoughts & prayers, including those in my "Open Heart Surgery, party & more..." post/thread.
LIFE IS TOO SHORT! So long, everybody!
Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 Monte Carlos + 1 Caprice Classic
THIS...should...be my last post before surgery....
The catheterization (Monday, 11/07/2011) went fine, though I was in a lot of pain Monday afternoon/evening.
My surgery has been postponed until Friday (11/11/2011) due to an emergency heart transplant. Disappointed I am not. Frustrated...maybe, but not any more than I already am...in more ways than one. The postponement gives me a chance to recover/relax a bit more from the cath & accomplish a few more things prior to surgery, perhaps even some of my "recovery projects" list I noted in my original post....
I PLAN to visit the groups/message boards & "catch up" with personal Emails & notes received, etc.; HOWEVER, I cannot promise I'll get to everything...!
PRE-SURGERY PARTY pictures! https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2636895683885.2152619.1300282613&type=1&l=7f835748ff
NEPHEW & CAR TIME...TOGETHER! My sister & brother-in-law brought my nephew to see my cars outside, 11/05/2011. The 11 pictures I took are here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2636914604358.2152622.1300282613&type=1&l=00a2f5dccc
ALSO: I know it can be confusing to "navigate" my Route 66 story in BLOG format, so here is a list of the chapters in order...
Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic CHD.MCs.CC + RoadTrips.models.RadioShows.legos.HO.us66 = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort "We can take anything that comes our way" __ BJ Thomas __ 'As Long As We Got Each Other (Growing Pains)'